Presentation: Tweet"Hostile waters - why culture reefs sink agile ships"
Again and again, attempts to introduce agile methods into companies fail. One prevalent reason for this is the "clash of cultures" between Agile and the predominant culture within a firm. To avoid failure, it is important to know the starting point of one's organization. This presentation outlines different "stereotyped" cultures which exist and discusses their main characteristics and allows proper judgment of your own. While there may exist different subcultures in different departments, there is usually one omnipresent core culture. Each of the outlined cultures have their own successful transition paths to Agile. This talk points out, how the transition from one culture to Agile is accomplished and which exemplary “To Do's” should not be missed. In addition, a general approach to tackle cultural change is explained. However, this talk does not provide a blue print for your own Agile transition – there is no "silver bullet".
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